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[ 2024년 04월 19일 금요일 ]  


제19대한국대통령선거 천하감동이변은? 있다? 없다?
깜깜이 선거정국속 저마다 우세점치며 5인방 마지막 각개전투 치열

등록일: 2017-05-08 , 작성자: 광진의소리

결전 D-1

<포토뉴스>제19대한국대통령선거 천하감동이변은? 있다? 없다?
깜깜이 선거정국속 저마다 우세점치며 5인방 마지막 각개전투 치열

◆Brigitte Trogneux and Macron프랑스의 감동, 유럽과 세계의 감동으로

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Everything you need to know about France’s first lady, Brigitte Trogneux
By Abigail Malbon 16 hours ago

Brigitte Trogneux and France’s new President Emmanuel Macron didn’t have the most typical of first meetings. In fact, the pair were first introduced as teacher and student, when she directed him in his stage debut, aged 15. Over 20 years later, she coached and advised his through his presidential campaign, leading to his victory over far-right candidate Marine Le Pen.

Now, the spotlight is firmly on France’s new “First Lady”, but there’s nothing traditional about her. During campaigning, Macron vowed to give his wife an official role if elected, and she is hoping to make her mark on France. Here‘s everything you need to know about Brigitte Trogneux/Macron...

◆Who is she?

A company heiress, Trogneux is part of a renowned family of chocolatiers. The company has been in the family for years (and is said to have some of the best macarons around), but she decided not to follow in her relations’ footsteps. Instead, she chose a career teaching French literature, Latin and drama, and in 1974 she married a banker, Andre Louis Auziere, with whom she had three children; daughter Tiphaine, and sons Sébastien and Laurence. The couple divorced in 2006.

Trogneux is said to be something of a fashion icon, regularly described as “elegant” in the French press.


At 64, Trogneux is 24 years Macron’s senior, and he often refers to her as his “soulmate”. She was married and a mother of three when they first met, but that didn’t put Macron off - Brigitte told Paris Match magazine: “At the age of 17, Emmanuel said to me, ‘Whatever you do, I will marry you!‘“

Trogneux and Macron after his stage debut.

Macron’s parents sent him to Paris to study after their affair scandalised the local community, telling Brigitte to stay away from him - at least until he turned 18. Despite all the odds, the couple married in 2007, a year after Trogneux divorced her first husband. The couple have faced disapproval over their relationship for years, although other famous couples have a similar age gap - Donald and Melania Trump, for example, are also 24 years apart.

Before they wed, Macron made sure to get the blessing of her children - the two eldest of whom are similar in age to him. Trogneux’s daughter said: “It was a powerful act because not everyone would have taken that precaution, to come and ask us for her hand in marriage. I mean, it wasn‘t quite like that, but he did want to know if this was something we could accept“.

According to Macron’s biographer, Trogneux’s seven grandchildren also call the President “daddy”. At a recent En Marche! event, he said “We do not have a classic family, it‘s undeniable. But do we have less love in this family? I do not think so. Maybe there‘s even more than conventional families.“


Trogneux and Macron after his stage debut.

Macron’s parents sent him to Paris to study after their affair scandalised the local community, telling Brigitte to stay away from him - at least until he turned 18. Despite all the odds, the couple married in 2007, a year after Trogneux divorced her first husband. The couple have faced disapproval over their relationship for years, although other famous couples have a similar age gap - Donald and Melania Trump, for example, are also 24 years apart.

Before they wed, Macron made sure to get the blessing of her children - the two eldest of whom are similar in age to him. Trogneux’s daughter said: “It was a powerful act because not everyone would have taken that precaution, to come and ask us for her hand in marriage. I mean, it wasn‘t quite like that, but he did want to know if this was something we could accept“.


According to Macron’s biographer, Trogneux’s seven grandchildren also call the President “daddy”. At a recent En Marche! event, he said “We do not have a classic family, it‘s undeniable. But do we have less love in this family? I do not think so. Maybe there‘s even more than conventional families.“

Her future

Trogneux put her own career as a teacher on hold to support her husband during his campaign, and if he sticks to his promises, she will now take a role as his advisor.

She is said to have been integral to Macron’s successful campaign. A recent documentary shows her guiding him through a practice run for a speech, cutting in halfway through to tell him to lift his voice.

“Every night we debrief together and we repeat what we have heard about each other,“ she told Paris Match.

“I have to pay attention to everything, do the maximum to protect him.“

Trogneux’s main interest is expected to be education and working for disadvantaged and autistic children. “As a teacher I know young people well. And I think it‘s essential to keep them in mind,“ she said in a recent interview.

“I will fight for their education (...) If we just leave them by the wayside then it will all implode.“

She is also credited as the reason behind Macron’s female-friendly policies. He recently announced “I want to be recognised as a feminist by women,” and has pledged to defend equal pay and maternity leave.

He also insists that half of his movement’s candidates in the parliamentary elections were women, and supporters believe that he and Trogneux will help to make France a more female-progressive country.



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